20 January, 2014

Map of Social Networks in each Country in the World

Amount of Whiskey each Country in the World Consumes by Millions of Liters

Bicycle Accidents by Number of Bicyclists in Californian Cities

Distribution of Homeless People in the US

Fraction of Posts Submitted to Reddit by Subreddit Over Time 2006-2013

Facial Hair Trends of Men Over Time 1842-1972

Netflix Rankings of Fastest and Slowest Internet Providers

Gif of all Flights in the World in a 24 Hour Period

Time of Day vs. Number of People on Facebook

Pie Graph of Percent of Time in Average NFL Football Game Broadcast that is Game Action, Replays, Commercials, Players Standing Around, and Coach, Crowd, Cheerleaders, etc.

Graph of Population of US States Over Time 1900-2005

George W. Bush's Approval Rating Over Time 2001-2009

IMDb Ratings of Family Guy Episodes Over Time

Average Age at First Sexual Encounter