25 March, 2014

.gif of the States and Territories of the United States of America 1789-Present

Map of Where there are more Bars than Grocery Stores in US Counties

US International Airfare Fluctuation in Price by Continent by Days until Departure

Countries with High-Speed Broadband (45 Mbps per second or more) with Mbps per Second vs. Price a Month Available

Music Revenue Share over time of Medium (Vinyl, 8-track, Cassette, CD, Music Video, Downloads, Mobile, and Subscriptions) 1980-2010

Number of Living Nobel Prize Winners by Country (US, Germany, UK, France, Israel, Canada, China, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Australia, and South Africa)

Average SAT Scores by Family Income in 2013

Road Deaths per Million Inhabitants 2002 and 2012 in European Countries

Number of Square Feet per Million Dollars ($1,000,000) in US Cities from San Francisco to Detroit

International Arms Sales 2009-2013, as a Percent of Total, Exporting and Importing

Percent who Think Belief in God is Necessary for Morality in Countries by 2013 GDP per Capita

Percentage Point Difference Between Male and Female Literacy Rates in 2011 in Countries in the World

Income Taxes as a Percent of GDP of Individuals and Corporations by Fiscal Year 1940-2013-2020

The Top 40 Countries by Number of Research Papers Published in 2011

Total Hate Crime Incidents and Hate Crime Incidents per Million Members of Target Group by Group 1995-2012

Religious Breakdown of the Supreme Court of the US over time 1789-2011

Household income at the 20th, 50th, and 95th Percentile in US Cities

Hue Densities across Film Trailers

Map of the US, Each County Colored by the Number of Counties from the Atlantic or Pacific Coast

Aircraft Safety Worldwide over time (Including Accidents, Hijackings, and Bombings)

Mean Absolute Age Gap by Gender Pairing (US)